Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bubba Gump Shrimp

Montgomery, AL was a quaint little city.  We think because of the heat, people weren't out and about, evidenced by absolutely no one on the streets while we were touring around at about 10am yesterday morning.  We went to the Civil Rights Memorial which was quite moving.  It is a circular granite slab with all the names/dates/events from the death of Emmet Till to the assasination of MLK Jr..  There are ripples of water over the top and it's interesting to watch people put their hands on the names in the granite.  We also got to see the first White House of the Confederate states.  It had a lot of similarities to the White House in Washington.  It was only used for three months, then the capital was moved to the more strategic Richmond, VA.  

We drove through the rest of Alabama, and took a stop at Bayou Lebatre, AL (the real home of Benjamin Buford Blue aka the Bubba of Bubba Gump Shrimp).  Lebatre was probably one of my favorite places so far.  The people were all super nice and wanted to know why we were in Alabama, where we are going next.  Also everyone thinks we are crazy to be driving without A/C.  The fish smell was a little overwhelming around the docks.  

Scott took over the rest of the drive through Mississippi into Louisana.  There was a cool bridge that took us into New Orleans, over the Gulf of Mexico.  Our hotel is super nice, I highly recommend it...The Maison Dupuy in the French Quarter.  Being in New Orleans, we all went over the top of course and are paying this morning.  We started with some drinks by the pool and then headed to dinner.  We had all the New Orleans fixings; gumbo, jumbalaya, crawfish etouffee, hurricanes, etc..  Next, we searched for some good jazz and ended up walking up and down Bourbon Street.  I think we'll check some more non-touristy spots today/tonight.  Bourbon Street is absolutely insane.  It's like America's red light district.  

Off to go see the sites.  Houston to see NASA tomorrow! 

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