Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Do you think they check what's down there?..." - Spelunking 101

Happy Father's Day!  

Carlsbad Caverns are HUGE.  1.5 hours and 750 feet later, we got to the bottom of the cave.  The winding paved walking packs were on about a 70 degree angle the entire way down.  Quite a site.  One that I wish I had a great camera to document for all of you.  

About 10 minutes before reaching Roswell, NM (home of Area 51) we hit the 3,000 mile mark.  It's hard to believe that we only have 3 more stops before arriving in California on the 26th.  

Scott and I got dinner at El Pinto's.  This authentic New Mexican food restaurant a little bit outside of Albuquerque.  After getting lost for about 25 minutes, we found the place.  Excellent food.  There are pictures of famous people all over the walls.  Everyone from Obama to Mick Jagger.  

Sleeping in tomorrow, before heading to Flagstaff, AZ for the night. 

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