Monday, June 22, 2009

Is that an elk...?

First, it turns out that Arizona is actually on Pacific Time after all.  After about 20 minutes of time confusion we figured it out and will remain on Pacific from here out.

We decided to drive all the way to the Grand Canyon (since it was about the same price as staying in Flagstaff), which was probably one of the best decisions we made.  Since we are so close (one mile from the south entrance to the south rim), we had the privilege of watching the sunset this evening.  Wow.  I'm at a lack of words for what we just saw.  Just like when I watched sunsets/rises in Central Australia, the red rock turned purple as the sun slipped below the horizon.  Absolutely stunning.  You guys will just have to wait until I put the pictures up. 

To top off the night, on the way out of the park, we were stopped by a group of elk chillin' in the road.  Of course we took pictures and well, literally couldn't keep driving for 5-10 minutes as they chewed on some grass.  Great night. 

I'm looking forward to exploring more of the park tomorrow and checking out some of the other scenic overlook locations.  Then, it is off to Vegas for two nights before finishing in LA on Wednesday afternoon/evening.  

Hope everyone is surviving the flood back at home.  We still haven't seen rain since New Jersey...

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